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[] EBS Ʈ̴ [FM Radio]

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 - ּ Ǽ ſ 10 ּҺ ûּ.

   ̽ : 02) 6412-0125~9 / nice@nicebook.kr


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: ~  23:00~23:20


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  EBS Ʈ̴ [FM Radio]


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ֱȣ ߼( 05ȣ) :

  EBS Ʈ̴ [FM Radio]




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   3~5 ҿ

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  Ұ ( ؿܹ 񽺰 ʽϴ.)


  ͷ ٶϴ. ( 02-6412-0125 / nice@nicebook.kr)


EBS Ʈ̴ [FM Radio] - 2019. 07                    


1st week 
1 MON It is important to keep your health in check during summer. 
2 TUE You shouldn't skip breakfast. 
3 WED Do you know what happens to your body when you drink in hot weather? 
4 THU Food poisoning is one of the health problems that you need to be careful of in summer. 
5 FRI Do you know how to prevent or avoid food poisoning? 
6 SAT Weekly Review 

2nd week 
8 MON I don't like going camping in the mountains. 
9 TUE Forget the old wives' tale about urinating on the sting. 
10 WED Be careful when you go to public swimming areas. 
11 THU How should I prevent from getting swimmer's ear? 
12 FRI You should be more attentive on the road during the summer. 
13 SAT Weekly Review 

3rd week 
15 MON Eating too much grilled food increases the risk of cancer. 
16 TUE Keep your feet clean all the time. 
17 WED You need to wear proper sunglasses to protect your eyes. 
18 THU Is it normal that my skin breaks out more in summer? 
19 FRI Did you know the heat is one of the common causes of a headache? 
20 SAT Weekly Review 

4th week 
22 MON The doctor told me I got a summer cold from overexposure to air
23 TUE It's your parental duty to protect your children from the sun. 
24 WED Keep your eyes open around water! 
25 THU I'm going to take the kids out shopping. They need helmets. 
26 FRI Don't ever leave your kid in the car alone! 
27 SAT Weekly Review 

5th week 
29 MON Your dog is showing a couple of symptoms of heat exhaustion. 
30 TUE Your cats should keep their fur and lose some heat, not vice versa. 31 WED Did you know pets heat up and cool down from the bottom? 


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EBS Ʈ̴ [FM Radio] (CD)

EBS FM Easy English(ױ۸) ʱ ȸȭ


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